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Sep 25, 2020

How to earn money online in Pakistan - India | Top 5 ways to make money online

 Intro of mine and Some Experience 

Hi there! My Name is Majid And I am in the field of the online world since 2015. 

in 2015, I have the same question in my mind but if you are reading this article then you will never make those mistakes that I make early in the online field.

Let's Start 

Top 5 ways to make money online 

When You search on Google or YouTube How to make money online they will show you many options, my friends don't worry in the online field has many opportunities but some are main or Best or Big things that are highlighted we will discuss those ways to earn money from the online field.

1.Website 🌍

in this area, I am not telling you what is a website and how you will make and earn money. I will just tell you how you can make money from this type because if we look at Google, YouTube, and many big names of sites You will see before doing or generating any income they have a website that is online and accessible all over the in world. Websites look like an online business incoming years so I am not telling you to you  have to make a website  but according to your need or interest you can do or try other methods to work online like I mention down YouTube But YouTube again a video website 😂 

so make money from a website is not too easy or not too difficult. You can make money from the website through ads or selling website space to a third party or many many more.

2.YouTube 📷

if you look at the right side picture, the picture is loudly telling you how much money you can money per month from YouTube if you got 50,000 views per month on your youtube channel in internet & telecom every field has it's different approximately amount like fashion and entertainment has different numbers 

Now the question is how to work on YouTube , so you don't worry about that I have some solution you can go to youtube and search the topic in the search bar how to make money from youtube or you can hire someone to guide you or you can buy some courses on Udmey 

How to make money on YouTube

  • Start a channel
  • Make your channel successful enough that it meets the YouTube Partner Program requirements
  • Set up an AdSense account
  • Explore your new monetization features
Each monetization channel has different eligibility requirements. For instance:

  • Ad revenue: to earn ad revenue, you must be at least 18 years old, and you must create content that is advertiser-friendly. Basically, the less controversial your videos, the more YouTube advertisers will be comfortable running ads on them, and the more money you make.
  • YouTube Premium revenue: if a YouTube Premium member watches your video, you get a portion of their subscription fee. (This one is automatic, which is nice.)
  • Channel memberships: in order to sell channel memberships to your subscribers (i.e., your fans opt in to pay you an extra amount), you need to be at least 18 and have more than 30,000 subscribers.
  • Merchandise shelf: in order to sell merch from YouTube’s merchandise shelf, you must be at least 18 years old, and have at least 10,000 subscribers.
  • Super Chat payments: if you want your fans to have the ability to pay to have their messages highlighted in your live chats during your live streams, you must be at least 18 (and live in a country where the feature is offered).

In short, when you enter in youtube there is a lot of ways that will come to you

3.Freelancer 🤵 

There are two questions now.
1.What is a freelancer?
2.How to make money as a freelancer?

  • What is Freelancer?
A freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed.

Few are some Things before calling yourself a freelancer.

  • Choose Niche (Category )
  • Learn a skill according to your niche and master in that skill
  • Work for yourself on social media to make a portfolio

4.Affilate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting other people's (or company's) products. You find a product you like, promote it to others and earn a piece of the profit for each sale that you make.

The Affiliate: This party is sometimes also known as the publisher. Affiliates can also range from single individuals to entire companies.  An affiliate marketing business can produce a few hundred dollars in commissions each month or tens of millions of dollars.

It’s where marketing happens. An affiliate promotes one or multiple affiliate products and tries to attract and convince potential customers of the value of the merchant’s product so that they actually end up buying it.

  1. Amazon associate
  2. eBay Partners
  3. Click Bank
  4. Shopify

5.Mobile App development 

Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants, or mobile phones.

How to make income from apps?
Few Steps are Here 
  • In-App Advertising
  • In-App Purchases
  • Subscription
  • Paid Apps
  • Sponsorship
  • Affiliate programs
Wrapping Up

I hope you now know how to Make Money Online.
Don’t forget to share this post with your blogger friends.

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