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Nov 3, 2020

How to Increase FPS in Games Through 5 Simple and Useful Ways - FPS BOOST

How to Increase FPS in Games Through 6 Simple and Useful Ways

Increase FPS in Games

 Over the years, games such as PUBG and GTA 5 have become more demanding on computer capabilities than ever before, and FPS is a key element of the gaming experience, especially for players who like first-person shooter games. Do If the number of FPS was too low, the game experience would be miserable. Then, how to increase the number of FPS per second on a computer at no cost or for free, will become a hot topic among players. So, the following content will show you 6 easy and globally applicable ways to increase FPS on your laptop and PC.

1. How to Increase FPS: Lower Game Settings

It can be eaten in games to get image quality, better game performance and higher FPS. For example, the "Shadow" and "Vertical Sync" options in PUBG can be turned off and will also not affect your gaming experience. And all viewing options can be set to "very little". This method not only solves the problem: How to increase FPS in PUBG, you can also use this approach to improve FPS in Minecraft, CS: GO, and other games.

2. How to Increase FPS: Update Drivers

Graphics card driver is another important factor that can determine frame rate, the newest version of the driver could help your computer to run those games better. You can find the newest update of graphics card driver on the official website of your graphics card’s producer, like NVIDIAAMD and Intel. Here is how you can update drivers:

Approach 1:

1. Open “Control Panel”.

2. Find “Hardware and Sound”.

3. Open “Device Manager”.

4. Find “Display Adapters” and double-click.

5. Click the right button of the mouse and choose “Update Driver”.

6. Windows can seek for drivers or users could download by themselves through official websites mentioned above

3. How to Increase FPS: Uninstall Unnecessary Software and Malware

Useless software or malware would occupy RAM in the computer and influence its performance in gaming, so why not we uninstall unnecessary software and malware to release space for games? Here is the way:

Approach 1:

1. Open “Control Panel”.

2. Find “Programs”.
Control Panel
3. Choose unnecessary software and malware to uninstall.
Uninstall Program

4. How to Increase FPS: Disable Software

There are two methods for this 
Method 1:
1. Open “Task Manager”.

2. Find programs that running backstage and end the tasks them.

Method 2:

1. Open “Task Manager”.

2. Find “Startup”.

3. Choose programs to disable.

Disable Apps On Windows Start-Up

5. How to Increase FPS: Acquire Updates of Windows

The version of Windows is also important, Windows 10 has brought a lot of updates and DirectX12 which significantly increases the capacity of the computer. So go to and download the latest version of Windows. If you are already a Windows 10 user, you may need to get a Windows update, which is very easy. Here are the steps to get Windows Update.

1. Open “Settings”.

2. Find “Update & Security”.

3. Click “Check for updates” to see if there are any updates for your PC.

Above all, the contents of 6 Easy Ways to Improve FFPS for Gaming were introduced and all these approaches could be done without much time and effort. Two completely free and useful tools: Smart Game Booster and i-Obit In Installer are highly recommended as they can help you easily increase FPS on PC in just a few steps. More importantly, you can use the above function for free and get a professional version with a lot of powerful functions at a reasonable price.

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